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Zaporizhzhia - Lviv

Intercity taxi transfer is a convenient and fast way to travel between cities. Let’s consider the features of a taxi from Lviv to Zaporizhzhia.

Distance and time of transportation

The distance between Lviv and Zaporizhzhia is about 1100 km, and the travel time by taxi will take about 12-14 hours, depending on road conditions and traffic flow.

Advantages of a car transfer

  • Convenience and comfort;
    • Flexible schedule of transportation, possibility to stop for rest, food and other needs;
    • Speed and time saving compared to bus or train.

The price of an intercity taxi

If the cost of one kilometer is 16 hryvnias, then the cost of a trip from Lviv to Zaporizhzhia will be about 17,600 hryvnias.

The fastest way

The fastest route from Lviv to Zaporizhzhia runs through the cities of Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsia. The fastest route from Lviv to Zaporizhzhia runs through the M06 highway, which is part of the European route E40. The length of this route is about 1050 km, and the travel time by taxi from Lviv to Zaporizhzhia is usually about 11-12 hours.

Places of rest and architectural monuments

Both cities have a rich history and cultural heritage. Some of the most popular vacation spots and architectural landmarks include:

In Lviv:

  • Market Square and its attractions, including the Town Hall and the Dominican Church;
    • Lviv Zoo and Parks;
    • Potocki Palace and Lychakiv Cemetery.

In Zaporizhzhia:

  • Khortytsya Island and reserve;
    • The Dnipro monument and the Zaporozhye History Museum;
    • Shevchenko Grove.

Gallery Zaporizhzhia - Lviv

Our advantages

We will inform you in advance of the fixed cost of your long-distance trip

One day before the trip, you will find out the make of the car and data on the driver

You can adjust the departure time in advance, as it is convenient for you

Canceling an order does not oblige you to anything, you just need to call the control room

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